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Residential Home Painting Services > Interior Painting

Interior Paint projects are the first images that come to mind when someone suggests a painting project.  Selecting a color and product is very important because without the right color and product, the project will inevitably need to be painted again!  How many times has someone started a project and called us to finish?  Hundreds of projects have been finished again because the color was wrong or the wrong product was selected.


Buying a quart first or a gallon instead of a large quantity to ensure the color is correct and the product will dry to the finish you are expecting.  Paint can also be installed on a cardboard or foam board and moved around the space to see how the light affects the color at different times of the day.


Preparation is the key to the best finished product.  Paint is only about 4 sheets of paper per coat, so the surface must be smooth, clean, de-glossed, chemically clean, and properly sealed.  


Prior to priming, cleaning the walls and trim may be necessary.  Moorhouse Painting will clean, sand, prepare and patch any potential problems prior to painting.


There are many tricks and tips that we can share for your upcoming paint project.


The greatest trick is to keep the stash of paint for touch-up in the future in a sealed container that isn’t exposed to air.  The original paint will perfectly match the walls and will be the only paint that will blend well.  Purchasing more material in the future will be close, but never like the original material.

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